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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Vintage shopping in Athens

Hello, everybody.
In this post, I'm going to present you my very first vintage shopping experience.
In addition, I would like to give you some tips in order to enjoy your second-hand shopping "journeys" even more!

To begin with, an alternative crazy friend of mine-Stella suggested going to “Yesterday’s bread” in Exarxeia (Athens neighbourhood) ,we’ve decided to roll afterwards which is pretty awesome as wellJ, I have to say that without her contribution I’d never found the shop because it is kind of isolated from the rest of the neighbourhood .
The first thing you see when visiting such a place is a pile of clothing waiting for you to search and discover gems from previous decades.
As a tip I’d tell you to have something in mind before purchasing vintage, otherwise you’ll get lost in the unlimited merchandise.
Back in my experience, I was mostly focusing on denim jackets 90s oriented and anything else that comes through my way!
In the picture below you can see exactly what I bought, for only 50 euros overall:

Floral jumpsuit 20€, Bag 10€, Denim 7€, Levis shorts 13€

Another thing you should be very careful about is checking if something is faulty, for example if a button is missing and whether fixing is a viable option.
Moreover, don’t rush and buy things on impulse, take your time when shopping vintage as the measuring system varies from decade to decade.
Overall, I could describe vintage shopping a journey of finding amazing unique products that create magnificent outfits with a nostalgic view of the past.



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